Fortnite: Finished my inaugural season, and ended up completing all ten battle pass tabs, and was into the 2nd bonus tab. The new season is still fun. I haven't been concentrating on winning as much as completing quests and collecting stuff.
Destiny 2: Bought a Legacy Collection key from CDkeys, and have been working on the Shadowkeep expansion. There is a summer event going on that I would like to work on some more.
The Division 1: Haven't given it a whole lot of play, but I am almost done with the west side of the map. Currently level 14 (cap is 30).
Retro Gaming: On my
TrimUI , I beat Super Mario Bros 3, and have started the SNES game Chrono Trigger. The story was really whimsical at first, but has gotten pretty good. The Trimui is the perfect size for playing on breaks at work.