Digital Realms The original Unreal Tournament is now 20 years old! I spent many happy hours with this game and its sequels over the years.
The first and only game map I ever created was for UT. My friends and I created custom textures from the carpet, ceiling, posters, etc. We then built a deathmatch map of our workplace. The end result was a map that only those with the best video cards could play (due to the huge texture sizes). Oh well... it was fun to build o/
Rock Paper Shotgun has a nice article up detailing the creation of Facing Worlds, IMO the greatest capture the flag map ever created.
The making of Facing Worlds, Unreal Tournament’s most popular mapOn a dinky asteroid orbiting the Earth, two symmetrical ziggurats mark the red base and blue base. Each sniper-lined tower guards a flag, and their confined